Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Three Hour Walk...

Okay, so you know, the title is meant to be sung to the theme of "Gilligan's Island"!

Poochie and I walked, photographed, and sniffed our way through some trails in Lowes Creek County Park I haven't been on in a long while. (I'll let you figure out who did what!) It was a beautiful day, and we both were really enjoying ourselves. It was in the low 70's, and absolutely perfect weather to be out in the woods and prairie. 

Poochie and I alternated on the sunny Fitness Trail and Bike Trails dappled in shade.  Another poochie was taking his owner for a walk through the park, and we all exchanged friendly chit chat before heading on.  It was a very relaxing walk!
We rushed back home when I realized the kids were already home from school. You could hear the school buses rumble down the road from the particular trails we were on. Sure, they're old enough to be left alone, and sometimes they really like it that way. "Humm--Mom's not home, so we can play on the computer, watch tv, and eat those special treats she was saving and say we didn't know we weren't supposed to!" (I hear this from them even when I am home!) Oy!

Since we started off with a song, we shall end with one! "Kids! ...What's the matter with kids today?" ("Kids" from the musical
"Bye Bye Birdie")

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