Friday, April 9, 2010

Letters to God

Simply hearing the theme song to "Lassie" has made me misty eyed since early childhood, and since then I avoid watching any tear jerker movies, especially if they involve children or animals.

But I am so
very glad hubby and I went to see "Letters to God" at Carmike Cinemas at the Oakwood Mall in Eau Claire! We actually went to see it twice, and enjoyed it even more the second time around!

Should you go to see this
entertaining movie, and I encourage you to do so, be prepared to laugh as well as cry. It's appealing to all ages, and a great flick to bring the whole family to see.

"Letters to God" is also a hope inspired movie. Several cancer survivors were part of this movie's production, and they make sure to fill you with hope at the very end. And, "hope
is contagious", as the movie claims! --LKR


Peggy said...

been wondering - have heard the ads

Dana said...

Awesome movie. We all loved it, too!!

William said...

I just watched this movie. It is a very good but sad movie.