In southeastern, MN, right along the Mississippi River is the oldest community in the state. Historic Wabasha, which was established in 1830, is a quaint little town that is part of the Great River Road Bluffs Region.

Wabasha is famous for being home to the movie, Grumpy Old Men, as well as it's sequel, Grumpier Old Men, in the 1990's. It is also home to the new National Eagle Center, the perfect site since hundreds of eagles overwinter here from November to March.
Recently while visiting this town, we stopped for lunch at the Flour Mill Pizzeria, and ended up next door at the Chocolate Escape which ironically was the old home for the Eagle Center we had come to see!

We are hoping to come back this way in the fall to view the tree-lined bluffs cloaked in their fall colors, as well as to see a larger gathering of eagles. --LKR

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